Gotland 2010 – day 5

Wheels up at 8.45, after a quick breakfast. Although we did get up at around 6.30 because Andy noticed that the light outside was really beautiful and we had to photograph it. The morning air was wonderful and the light was magical – it was really nice to just stand on the edge of the cliff and enjoy the quiet, serene ocean morning. Andy took some amazing shots!

The thermometer showed around 19 C and it was slightly raining when we got going and now we just had to hope for a better day. Although the weather report had sayed that there was going to be quite a bit of rain during the day but then in the evening it would let up and we would get a sunny sunset. Which we really needed since we had booked tickets to MacBeth at Romakloster (Roma Monastery) for tonight.

No special plans today. We’d see what happened.

Our first stop was a cache that we didn’t think we could take last year. Dykaren #2 (the diver 2) is a terrain rating 5, the hardest cache type terrain. And just the location made the treasure hunter in me rejoice. It was an old limestone mining location, an old building partially under water that one was to climb or dive into and pick of a hidden cache. This is geocaching at it’s highest!

This is what the inside of the building looked like from outside the fence. It’s hard to see, but you can se that there is water in the bottom there? That’s where you should have swam if you took the wet route. The water you would be swiming in would be an old mining-shaft/hole, that is anywhere from 20-100 meters deep. A really cool place if one wants to/dares to climb around and play around in old abandoned buildings.

After the best geocache ever, we went on towards Bärlast – an old limestone mill, no longer active, but a really nice and quite place. The old mill and a couple of the buildnings still stood. And we made sure to take a cache that we had missed last year.

Then we pressed on towards Slite and did the final step of a mystery cache that we solved yesterday, The Gas Conspiracy. And then we stopped of for lunch at Humle & Dumle, a small café with lots of lighter lunches as well as nice cookies and cakes.

Unfortunetly I was not too happy with my lunch – a panini that really looked unamaginativly boring. It tasted ok, but just the sight of it made me want to cry. But Andy’s baked potato looked really yummy.

Then we went on to take 2 geocaches, Bergvägen and Kalkrest, along a large limestone quarry. It was quite massive and strange to see – a road, large as a highway, being used only by a few trucks a day, to haul limestone. Across the road lept this bridge, but I was to chickened to go across it.

After the quarry we went by 4 churches, Hejdeby,  Lummelunda, Hall, Hangvar and Boge and a rauk area, Klinteklinten.

And yes, there were caches to pick at all the locations.

Then we decided that it was time for an afternoon fika and stopped of at Ihre Gård. It’s a really cozy place with lots of fun stuff for children to do, but at the same time a peacefull place to have a coffee and just relax. Sometimes they even have the pool open and tennis.

Then we went and took a shower at Gardestugan. We figured that it would be nice to shower if we were to meet people later on the evening as well as tomorrow when we are going to Visby to hang with Anna.

It was time to get to go towards Romakloster and the teater. The road to the Monastery is lined with beautiful trees.

We had a quick dinner in the RV konstisting of bangers and mash. And then we went into the area with a blanket and some rain-resistant clothes. Hoping that the rain would stay away.

Romakloster. There are quite a few shops here during the summers – where they sell lots of different Gotland crafts.

MacBeth – if you look closely, you can se Bancos hand on the stage =) It was a really magical night at the old monestary ruins and it was the perfect setting for iry MacBeth. And there was no rain =) It was a great evening. If you have the chance to go there and see a performance, do, if only to breath in the awesome atomosphere that Romakloster has to offer.

Cache count: 11 / 454 total. 

Karoleen – Fotograf © Copyright – All rights reserved.
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